As part of the Bioceres Holding Inmet receives corporative services like Administration, Invoicing, Purchasing, Legal Advices, and the Organization of Company / Scientific Meetings.
Also, Bioceres S.A. provides us access to a broad network of active participants in the agroindustrial space and biotechnological companies.

Human Resources
Business Unit Manager
Gustavo E. Schujman
Gustavo has a bachelor’s degree in Biochemistry (Universidad Nacional de La Plata – 1996) and a Ph.D. in Biological Science (Universidad Nacional de Rosario – 2002). He did doctoral and postdoctoral research at MIT, USA and Institut Pasteur of Paris, France. He received grants from ASM (Microbiology Association of USA), Human Frontiers, EMBO and IUMS. He published more than 20 papers on international journals and 4 book chapters related to genetic and physiology of gram-positive bacteria. Also, he is author of patents about bacterial biodiesel synthesis from crude glycerin.
He directed 4 Ph.D. Thesis and 7 Bachelor Thesis, and he has been teaching university students for more than 20 years. Before joining Bioceres as leader of Inmet, Gustavo worked in IBR-CONICET (Instituto de Biología Molecular y Celular de Rosario). Presently, he is Head of Industrial Biotechnology of Bioceres, Co-Founder and Manager of Inmet, Independent Researcher of Conicet and Assistant Professor at Facultad de Cs. Bioquímicas y Farmacéuticas, UNR.
Contact Us
Inmet S.A.
+54 341 4861121 (Management)
+54 341 4861120 (Services)
Ocampo 210 bis, Predio CCT Rosario (2000) Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina
For more information about our services or to set up an appointment in order to discuss your project of industrial residues bio-transformation, you do not hesitate in contacting us for any questions.