
Give us information about your project

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+54 341 4861121 (Management)
+54 341 4861120 (Services)
Ocampo 210 bis, Predio CCT (2000) Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina

For more information about our services or to set up an appointment in order to discuss your project of industrial residues bio-transformation, you do not hesitate in contacting us for any questions.

For Bio-Transformations / Fermentation Services:
Gustavo E. Schujman, PhD
Business Unit Manager
[email protected]

Georgina Reh, PhD
Metabolic Engineering Leader
[email protected]

For Mass Spectrometry Services:
Gonzalo R. Lamberto, PhD
MS Services Supervisor
[email protected]

For Synthetic Biology Services:
Leandro Nakamatsu, B.S. (Bachelor’s degree in Science)
Supervisor of Synthetic Biology Platform
[email protected]

For Protein Technology Services:
Emilio Saita, PhD
Supervisor of Protein Technology Platform
[email protected], [email protected]